Sunday 3 August 2014

Downton Abbey


So this week I have been watching Downton Abbey again because I want to catch up before Season 5 airs in the UK, this autumn. Downton Abbey is one of my favourite TV shows, I guess it is probably because I have such an interest in History and I love just watching how a family would have lived during the early 20th century and shortly after the First World War. I think Downton Abbey displays this nicely, obviously they probably don't have everything they should have but I really enjoy it.
Apart from the costumes and the setting. I adore the actors. My favourite characters being Miss Hughes and Mr Carson as well as Anna and Mr Bates. I much prefer the servants than the people upstairs because they display the realities of life rather than the false ones of the upstairs. 

Although I do love the Crawley sisters, Mary, Edith, and Sybil. They really display how having siblings changes the relationships between everyone. Mary and Edith clearly don't get along and I really understand this as me and my younger brother don't get on all the time. Yet Mary and Sybil do which is similar to my life. The relationships between the characters you can relate to your life like you can in most TV shows, however because this is based on a family then you can really relate to it. 

I have just started Season 3 again which I have already watched some of but I am looking forward to the episodes I haven't seen yet and the whole of Season 4. 
Understandably most 15 year old teenagers don't share my passion for this show and History itself but I seem to get a little thrill of this show, that not everybody gets, but I'm an unusable person and spend my time watching TV shows and Downton Abbey just happens to be one of the, which adds to the collection I have already watched.

Have a good day!
Elena :')

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